The Nellie McClung Foundation raises awareness and celebrates Nellie McClung’s legacy by inspiring and educating present and future champions to continue the journey to equality.

When you donate to The Nellie McClung Foundation you are providing resources and educational opportunities to encourage women to identify and develop their talents and to exercise leadership.
The Nellie McClung Foundation
Endowment Fund

The Nellie McClung Foundation Endowment Fund was established to support a monument commemorating Nellie McClung on the grounds of the Manitoba Legislative. Ninety percent of initial gifts to the fund went directly to completing the monument. The remaining ten percent and any gift after completion will be pooled and invested. The income generated will be distributed to support the work of the Nellie McClung Foundation as well as an education website, events, awards and university bursaries.
The Nellie McClung Foundation Legacy Endowment Fund

The Nellie McClung Foundation Legacy Endowment Fund was established by the Nellie McClung Foundation. Gifts to this fund are invested in perpetuity and the annual income generated for grant making will recognize and support women undertaking creative works with an emphasis on social justice and will be open to those working in the literary, performing, visual, film/media and visual arts.