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The Foundation knows that providing ongoing resources and educational opportunities for today’s women and girls is essential. The Foundation continues to identify, develop, and support opportunities and leadership.

The Foundation believes in celebrating successes while reinforcing the privilege that today’s women have in being able to vote and hold political office. The Foundation’s programs and initiatives reflect these beliefs and work to further the vision of women such as Nellie McClung.

The Nellie McClung Foundation provides opportunities to recognize and celebrate the talents and leadership of women.

Nellie McClung



The Nellie McClung Foundation with support from the Manitoba Government presents the Nellie McClung Trailblazer Scholarships.

These awards are for female students considering careers in the exciting fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), business, fine arts, or underrepresented trades. Careers in these areas offer excellent job opportunities, great earning potential and stimulating work environments.



Faces & Places:

Trailblazing Women of Manitoba

Walking Tour Guide

Buried in many of the monuments and murals in Manitoba are the stories of women who helped make Manitoba’s history, and whose achievements were critical to the development of this province. 

JUNE 25, 2021




In partnership with the Winnipeg Free Press, the Nellie McClung Foundation is proud to introduce the 150 Manitoba Women Trailblazer Awards, an opportunity to salute the contributions that Manitoba women have made to social justice, arts, sports, politics, community activities and promoting democracy while developing this great province.

These Trailblazer Awards will honour Nellie McClung’s vision by recognizing the spirit of her life’s work being advanced by women leaders of today or throughout Manitoba’s history.


Centennial Gala:

Celebrating 100 Years of

Manitoba Women's Right to Vote

A momentous Canadian human rights milestone took place on January 28th, 2016, it was 100 years ago on this day that Manitoba women were the first in Canada to be awarded the right to vote.

The Nellie McClung Foundation recognized the occasion with a year of celebration, beginning with the Centennial Gala: Celebration 100 Years of MB Women’s Right to Vote, in partnership with the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

Nellie McClung's Granddaughter (left), Marcia McClung performing in a production of 'Let Them Howl'


Let Them Howl

The Nellie McClung Foundation is proud to present the mockery that made history. This play is a retelling and re-enactment of the famous ‘mock parliament’ play that featured Nellie McClung and her peers in the Political Equality League. The performance of the original play was a turning point in the struggle for suffrage and most people think that there is a script that can be used to tell this wonderful story, alas there is not, until now.

Playwright Sharon Bajer, has brought together Nellie’s writings and news from the day to create this cheeky story of a group of women who took on the roles of men and assured the audience, in mocking what they had just heard from the Premier, “Nice men do not want to vote.”

It has been purposefully designed – both in length and in style- to be used in classrooms and for groups who want to spread the ‘voting’ message.


Mailing Address

P.O. Box 41081 Markham
Winnipeg, MB
R3T 2H0


Managed by Morning Star Consultive Services

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The Nellie McClung Foundation acknowledges with respect that we conduct our work on the ancestral lands of Anishinaabeg, Anishininewuk, Dakota Oyate, Denesuline and Nehethowuk Nations, and on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. 

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