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Nellie McClung


The Nellie McClung Foundation aims to raise awareness and celebrate Nellie McClung’s legacy by inspiring and educating present and future champions to continue the journey to equality.

The Nellie McClung Foundation was created to acknowledge and raise awareness of the contributions Nellie McClung and her ‘famous’ friends made in enabling Manitoba to become the first province in Canada to grant some women the right to vote.

We know how easy it is to take for granted the hard-won rights and privileges we now hold. We need to remember our history and the work of women like Nellie McClung and her peers; they are an example of what each of us can achieve through hard work, passion, and perseverance. Nellie’s legacy is an inspiration to us all. Today, more than ever we have the power to make great changes when we work together.


The Nellie McClung Foundation, while honouring the legacy of past trailblazers, works to empower, inspire, and celebrate girl and women leaders in the community.


Manitoba girls and women are empowered leaders in the community.

Our History

Before the unveiling of the Winnipeg monument, there had never been a monument recognizing Nellie McClung in the province where she lived and worked for more than 30 years.

The idea began in 2002 with MLA Myrna Driedger, then critic for the Status of Women. She identified Nellie as a significant but unrecognized contributor to the lives of women in Manitoba. In speaking with grassroots women's organizations and individuals, it became clear that it was time to find some way to honour Nellie's contributions.

Through a Private Member's Bill, the Manitoba Legislature created a foundation that would erect a monument for Nellie McClung at the Legislature, serving to educate the public about her achievements. Together with founding Chair The Honourable Janice C. Filmon. O.C., O.M., MLA Driedger assembled an exemplary team of men and women who commissioned the artist and the foundry; reviewed and selected monument concepts; raised funds; managed promotions; and developed the site. The monument was finally unveiled in 2010.


Our Values


Educating and providing varied resources, history and experiences that inspire equal participation in leadership roles.


Embedding the values that were reflected by those earlier women and men who fought for equality.


Providing resources and educational opportunities to encourage women to identify and develop their talents and to exercise leadership.


Enhancing social awareness which challenges individuals to support equality.


Promoting the right and privilege to lead within the community.


Providing opportunities to recognize and celebrate the talents and leadership of women.


Mailing Address

P.O. Box 41081 Markham
Winnipeg, MB
R3T 2H0


Managed by Morning Star Consultive Services

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The Nellie McClung Foundation acknowledges with respect that we conduct our work on the ancestral lands of Anishinaabeg, Anishininewuk, Dakota Oyate, Denesuline and Nehethowuk Nations, and on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. 

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